Ruben Aaron Casey 1916-2004
Ruben Aaron Casey 2/16/1916 - 11/25/2004
Rest in Peace Grandpa
In an instance
life can change
Thanksgiving morning
I was happy and joyous,
laughing and thankful.
In an instance,
I'm on my knees
crying for you
because you are gone.
When I was little
You were a giant
You were invincible
and I was in awe.
You were a tower
who never changed.
I loved the stories
I loved the laughter
and loved the music
most of all.
The music...
Oh the music,
you could make
world alive
with your music.
Oh Grandpa,
What do I do?
I'm thankful for the years with you.
But jealous of God
for now he has you.
He gets your stories
your walks through the woods,
your music,
I don't.
But I did
and I am glad I did.
I will miss you.
I love you Grandpa.

Blog Archive
- My Super Hero
- Test
- Another Test
- Testing Email Blogging
- Hello, I love you.
- Testing
- Totally Tuesday
- Football #1
- Heartfelt Thank Yous
- Ruben Aaron Casey 1916-2004
- From David
- Turkey Day Thursday
- Windy Wednesday
- Preparations for T-Day
- Rain, Rain
- Too Much Rain Tuesday
- Back Home in Missouri
- I'm being Naughty
- Goodbye Lou
- Monday! Monday! Monday!
- Finished Stylin' Santa Hat
- Grandpa
- A Teaser and Snow
- A Hug and a kiss and a tickle
- 14th Carnival of the Recipes is up!
- It's "I totally have THE best hubby in the world" ...
- SotD
- QUICK!!!!!!
- Holtz Spaghetti
- Thumped Thursday
- Teapots and Two Year Olds
- Silent Bells????
- Wet Wednesday
- SotD
- Happy Anniversary
- Terrific Tuesday?
- SotD
- Finished Stocking #2
- Monday Mayhem
- SotD
- Sunday Musings
- Saturday Night
- Frustration
- Fab Friday
- SotD
- My Two Favorite Veterans
- To the Veteran
- Blog Blurb?
- Casey Family Revolutionary War Veterans
- Birthday Wishes
- Top 10 Ways to Cope With Holiday Party Anxiety
- It's me again lol
- Weary Wednesday
- SotD
- Terrible Two's Tuesday
- SotD
- "W" - Political? Post
- Monday, Monday
- SotD
- FlyLady Rocks out loud!
- Sad Saturday.
- FlyLady
- Carnival of the Recipes #12 is up
- Poncho, Poncho, (wo)MAN
- Interesting Tidbits from a morning's surf
- (W) Arafat died?
- SotD
- W for politics
- Baby It's Cold Outside
- What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
- SotD
- Thursday
- A Story of Hope
- Look!! <<<--- over there
- "W"
- "W" Wednesday!- It's OFFICIAL!!!!
- W!!!!!!!!!
- SotD
- Anxiety and Holidays
- Now for Content not Political
- "W" Wednesday
- Ye foul Demons!
- Thank You Secret Pal
- Ten Thousand Tuesday
- SotD
- SotD
- Monday??? NO FAIR! *stomps foot*