SHOULD be Crappysuckscuzhubbygoesbacktoworkday. hehe
He got home at 12:30pm Saturday, so we went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond for a roasting pan. Went to Wally World to pick our movies up we had on layaway. So we came home and watched Moby Dick (I actually hadn't seen the old one with Gregory Peck). I fixed Stuffed Squash.
I made Stuffed Peppers Thursday and had too much stuffing so I saved it and got a carnival squash (like an acorn squash but all different colors) and stuffed it with the leftover stuffing OMG!!!! It was ssoooooooooo good.
We watched Hidalgo, (got the boy to bed), opened up a bottle of Sutter Home White Merlot and toasted George W. Bush.
Sunday, The Boy and I did our weekly thing of making biscuits.

We then took to the outdoors and mowed grass (David), raked leaves(me, I should mention we have around 40 trees in our yard) and played (Sean).
Then after that came in and had a nap (woohoo).

Didn't get much crocheting done. Made the flowers for the Poncho and headband but haven't finished headband cuz I can't get it to look right. Will try today after laundry is hung out.
I love this
flylady thing, I actually have been accomplishing things... or at least I think so.
Well... off to start laundry.