
My Super Hero

My Super Hero



Another Test

Don't mind me just testing this thing out

Testing Email Blogging

Just a test to seee if this works.

Hello, I love you.

OMG I sooo love Hello!!!!!! I finally got around to checking it out (see previous picture post) and fell in love with it. That was the easiest I have ever posted a pic here.


Addition to my Dogwood collection thanks to Hubby. Posted by Hello

Totally Tuesday

Well finished one football. (See post below). So that's one less present to finish. I have to get all the stuff that has to be sent finished soon to allow for shipping times. The boy has been awake since 4 am... up shortly after that when Daddy got up to get ready for work... The boy sure hates for Daddy to leave. Now I have a cranky very tired two year old on my hands. Naptime is gonna come early today. Bad weather today, they are talking ice... Snow, I like... Ice, I hate... why are we in Texas anyway? Oh yeah... job. Oh well. As long as I am with David I don't care where we are.


Football #1

It's done... Can't say I am TOTALLY happy with it... We'll see how Football #2 turns out then I will decide who gets which one... (If Nathaniel gets #2 cuz it's better I'll still have time to make Sean another one)

Heartfelt Thank Yous

I wish to thank everyone for their heartfelt condolences and well wishes over the long weekend. Most importantly, my husband who has been so great through all my tears and crankies and mooping around. Everyone has been so nice, and to those of you who were worried about my not blogging I apologize, I have spent this weekend being close to hubby and son and just being thankful to have them in my life. Grandpa went at about 2:30 am Thursday morning. They had known it wouldn't be long. He was trying to change channels on his tv and started breathing funny then was just gone. No Pain, no suffering, just gone still holding his remote. We had just put the turkey in the oven when my aunt called. Somehow I made it through they day (not somehow, it was David who helped me make it through they day) managed to get everything cooked and once we sat down to eat, it was excellent. Friday was spent putting up Cristmas decorations. I often felt guilty for smiling at times because Grandpa was gone. It hurts still that he is gone, but feeling bad is not gong to bring him back. I try to put those sad thoughts away by thinking of the funny things over the years. In short (or looking back through what I typed; long) I am back, and will be OK. Thank you all once again for being so great. Especially you David. Saturday I managed to twist my ankle really well hanging clothes out. Thankfully it's better now, I can put pressure on it and it's stopped swelling for the most part. It just hurts everynow and then or when I move it a certain way ("Hey Doc it hurts when I do this...") In a way it was a good thing as I got one side of my poncho down and if things go right today I should finish up Nathaniel's Football. It looks better when it's dark, trust me.


Ruben Aaron Casey 1916-2004

Ruben Aaron Casey 2/16/1916 - 11/25/2004 Rest in Peace Grandpa In an instance life can change Thanksgiving morning I was happy and joyous, laughing and thankful. In an instance, I'm on my knees crying for you because you are gone. When I was little You were a giant You were invincible and I was in awe. You were a tower who never changed. I loved the stories I loved the laughter and loved the music most of all. The music... Oh the music, you could make world alive with your music. Oh Grandpa, What do I do? I'm thankful for the years with you. But jealous of God for now he has you. He gets your stories your walks through the woods, your music, I don't. But I did and I am glad I did. I will miss you. I love you Grandpa. Goodbye.

From David

To all of you who know Kari, please pray for her and her family. We just learned she lost her Granddad this morning. Thank you for all your thoughts of her on this special day.

Turkey Day Thursday

Happy Thanksgiving Have a safe and good one and don't eat to much. OK well eat too much but jog or play football afterwards to work it off. Don't forget to be thankful for something.


Windy Wednesday

Yup the wind started last night... when it gets lighter out I have to go check my chimes, one was sure being whipped around. But they sure sound prettyful!!!!!! Today's the day before thanksgiving. woohoo. Although sad to say I think I am more excited about Hubby not having to work and us putting up our Christmas stuff Friday than I am about the actual event. I'm homesick.... usually if we went for any holiday to Arkansas is was Thanksgiving. All my life Thanksgiving has been chock full O' tons of people. (Usually too many for comfort) When it's not I feel a sort of emptiness. Which is odd because more than anything I love staying home with Hubby and the boy and I would much rather be here with them than anywhere so it's kinda stupid to be feelling this way huh? Anyway we are down here and we have each other and that's what counts. I have to stop typing without the light on.... I looked back at that paragraph and it was off by one letter throughout. (Yeah I didn't look at the screen cuz I was trying to see the keys!) Still crocheting like mad taking turns on everything. Since we aren't going anywhere I will continue to post throughout the rest of the week/weekend. I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.


Preparations for T-Day

Well the bread has been crumbed and dried. crumbed? Is that a word? It doesn't even really describe it either... CUBED that's more like it! Anyway it's ready for making stuffing Thursday. Tomorrow I bake pies - Well pie since the other two I am making are non bake but I will make them too, and cut up the vegis I need. I am sure I will come up with a couple more things to go ahead and do tomorrow so we don't have as much to do T-Day itself. David makes a buttkicking good stuffing, I will have to have him write the recipe down or tell me how he makes it so I can submit it to the carnival sometime. He called and said they had a big storm roll through and lost power so would probably be coming home early. Right now we're beeping like crazy but it's for eastern part of our county not us. I really do have alot to be thankful for. We all do if you think about it.

Rain, Rain

Go Away

Too Much Rain Tuesday

We've had so much rain I need a boat to walk out to the mailbox. Back Hoome in Mo They are under a Winter Storm Watch, here it's a Thunderstorm watch. I'd take a pic and post of the progress on the shawl but I don't have any lights on yet. So nanner nanner nanner. I get frustrated cuz it feels like I never get anything done fast enough. But oh well. I am trying not to get too anxious this week with The Big T happening (Thanksgiving duh) I don't know why I am anxious... we're not going anywhere or having anyone over so why? Hell (forgive my potty mouth) David is even making stuffing and turkey all I have is the other stuff... not like I have a housefull of people or something so why? grrrrr it's irritating. Speaking of David, he came home early yesterday and they (him and the boy) were going to get haircuts but David said he was tired and would rather take a nap so the boy goes to bed and we hit our bed and cuddle listening to the rain and fall asleep. Next thign ya know it's almost 5 wow... So I rush around fix up some spaghetti and do all that stuff. It sure was nice to cuddle though. Grandpa is out of the hospital. My Aunt says he wasn't doing to good day before but looked ok yesterday (whatever that means).


Back Home in Missouri

NOW I am really homesick *pouts*

I'm being Naughty

Bet that title got your attention! It just means that instead of all the christmas presents I should be working on I am making something for me. Salt River Poncho, it's the blue one. Although mine will be of course light purple. I need something to wear at hubbys company christmas dinner in which I found out it's not just local but the big bossman and the owner and their wives will be there too. Maybe if I make it big enough I can just hide in it.... I also have to figure out something for David for Christmas... I don't think I can top last years' handmade leather flogger but I would like to come up with something I can make that he will like.

Goodbye Lou

It's official. Holtz retires after 33 seasons as college coach Holtz retires Oh but you will be missed. Some more Lou Holtz Quotes: "I never learn anything talking. I only learn things when I ask questions."-- Lou Holtz "Everybody is looking for instant success, but it doesn't work that way. You build a successful life one day at a time." -- Lou Holtz "If you are bored with life, if you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things - you don't have enough goals." -- Lou Holtz "You live up - or down - to your expectations." -- Lou Holtz "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." -- Lou Holtz "Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period." Lou Holtz "It's not my job to motivate players. They bring extraordinary motivation to our program. It's my job not to de-motivate them." -- Lou Holtz And more from Lou Holtz: Frank Leahy was here [Notre Dame] for three years and went to war. I think sometimes that would be a welcome relief to get away from the pressures. In the successful organization, no detail is too small to escape close attention. I have a lifetime contract. That means I can't be fired during the third quarter if we're ahead and moving the ball. We have a lot of success with a dumb person calling plays. I'm hesitant to have a smart one call them. [Explaining why he, rather than the quarterback, called his team's plays] I don't mind starting the season with a bunch of unknowns. I just don't like finishing a season with a bunch of them. There isn't anything wrong with winning ugly. As a matter of fact, there isn't anything wrong with being ugly - as long as you're successful. Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. I think everyone should experience defeat at least once during their career. You learn a lot from it. The problem with having a sense of humor is often that people you use it on aren't in a very good mood.

Monday! Monday! Monday!

OK Well Mark Martin came in 4th in the Notell I mean Nextel Cup standings... Kirt "I'll whine if I want to" Bush won. blah blah blah At least Mark beat Jr hehehehe Ummm totally disgusted at the fights going on during sporting events. Lou Holtz's last game at South Carolina and they fight! Here he is 67 yrs old trying to keep his football players from fighting with the other team. They all need to be horsewhipped! SHAMEFUL! If I'd been Lou I would have walked off the field and not went to the locker room with them. As for the NBA fight, they better charge the fans involved too, and just as harshly as the players, there was NO CALL for any of that. Sunday, we got to cuddle late it was great. Oh and Saturday we got our tree. Not a real one. But it isn't to bad. I didn't accomplish anything other than the hat this weekend. In fact I ended up frogging Nathaniel's Football. It just wasn't looking right (Yeah that's the way I am if I can't see it taking shape a froggin' I will go)-- For you non-crocheters frogging is ripping out. So I will start anew and hope for better results. Thanks to all for the comments on my grandfather and on the hat. You all rock.


Finished Stylin' Santa Hat

I finished Dot's Stylin' Santa Hat! I love the purple Chenille but it's Think N Quick and I wouldn't recommend using it, because it makes it VERY HEAVY I'd use the thinner Chenille. It is beautiful though.



My Grandpa is in the hospital again. His kidneys aren't working right along with all these other things that go along with being 88. The family there put a do not resuscitate order on. He had a bladder infection too and when they gave him something for it his blood pressure dropped real low so the Dr had to stop giving it to him. Looks like he will go home in the next few days. The Dr told them there isn't anything they can do for him at his age. I don't know how I feel about this. Part of me, that little girl part, just wants her Grandpa and is mad as hell because they aren't doing anything to make him better!!! I know that at his age they've done everything they can and his quality of life has been really poor this year and he wouldn't be in any pain anymore and all that... I know all that. I also know that I have had my whole life, 34 years of him and that's more than alot of people have had with any of their Grandparents. I know it's in gods hands too. None of that right now makes me feel any better. I'm sorry I guess I just needed to vent.

A Teaser and Snow

LOOK<<< It's snowing on Mt St Helens!! Isn't it pretty? Here's a teaser, the color isnt quite right but you get the idea how beautiful this hat is gonna be I hope. For those non-crochetrs reading, the cuff(white part) will fold up once it's done. Back to work... I am sooo excited to get this done.

A Hug and a kiss and a tickle

Yes folks the boy is at it again with the cuteness. I was sitting here in front of the computer crocheting (why you ask? Well I am making Dot's Santa hat and I don't have enough ink to print it off so I am here looking at the pattern) the boy was playing in his room (avoiding Mom who informed him a while ago it was close to naptime). All the sudden he walks in puts his elbow on the desk rests his chin on his hand and says "I want a hug, and a kiss and a tickle." Plain as day. Needless to say he got all three and then some.

14th Carnival of the Recipes is up!

Head on over to Boudicca's Voice and check out some of the recipes. I peeked and some look really tasty!

It's "I totally have THE best hubby in the world" Friday

He is totally by far the best hubby EVER. Why? For one cuz he is wonderful and so smart and caring and for This: Thats for Dot's Stylin Santa Hat! They didn't have any of the red yarn we were supposed to use so Hubby said to get the purple Chenille. (Purple being my favorite color and I was standing there drooling on it anyway) I'm sure I gave him a "deer in the headlights" look and said "Are you sure? It's so expensive" And he said "If I didn't want you to have it I wouldn't have told you to get it". He is the best but he spoils me when I don't deserve it. Not that I am complaining. Speaking of the best hubby in the world, he has to go to work tomorrow. *pouts* I expected it though since they couldn't work the day it rained all day. I hate when he has to work 6 days. One day off is not enough time to rest and recoop from a long week. Well today all bets are off till I get this hat made.... Welll I will still work on the GS football cuz it has to be done. I'll take turns as much as I can running around taking care of things like laundry and vaccuming and dusting etc... oh and then there is that boy that likes to tear things up while I am cleaning. lol I haven't read the news yet to see. But by all appearances yesterday it looked like Lou Holtz (no relation) was going to retire from Coaching South Carolina, if thats the case. You will be missed Lou. In honor of the greatest college football coach EVER Here's some of his quotes from over the years: A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song. Lou Holtz A lifetime contract for a coach means if you're ahead in the third quarter and moving the ball, they can't fire you. Lou Holtz How you respond to the challenge in the second half will determine what you become after the game, whether you are a winner or a loser. Lou Holtz It is a fine thing to have ability, but the ability to discover ability in others is the true test. Lou Holtz It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it. Lou Holtz Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity. Lou Holtz The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it. Lou Holtz There's nothing is this world more instinctively abhorrent to me than finding myself in agreement with my fellow-humans. Lou Holtz Everybody says a tie is like kissing your sister. I guess it’s better than kissing your brother. Lou Holtz Don't tell your problems to people: eighty percent don't care; and the other twenty percent are glad you have them-- Lou Holtz


Double treble crochet Appearance in pattern - dtr Yo hook 3 times, insert hook in st, yo, draw lp through, [yo, draw through 2 lps on hook] 4 times. From StitchGuide.com



You HAVE to go to Dot's and see her pattern for STYLIN' SANTA HAT! Do it now... I won't mind. Honest I won't so go now... GO NOW! I soooo love this hat! It is the cutest thing! Oh and while there you might as well pour a cup of tea or coffee and look through her others because she has done so many great patterns.

Holtz Spaghetti

1 package vermicelli 1 pound ground beef 1 small/medium onion chopped 1 teaspoon fresh minced garlic (or 1/2 tsp garlic powder) small amount of olive oil 1 15 oz can of Petite diced tomatoes with garlic and olive oil 1 14 1/2 oz can tomato sauce 1 8 oz can tomato sauce (optional) 1 6 oz can tomato paste 2 teaspoon Italian seasoning In your favorite sauce pan (mine is this huge skillet) put olive oil, onion, on medium heat until starting to turn translucent add garlic and beef cook until beef browns stirring as necessary drain grease In large pot cook pasta according to package directions to browned beef add diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, and Italian seasoning (and opt. Tomato sauce) bring to boil turned down fire add tomato paste stirring until "dissolved" cover and simmer on med-low stirring occasionally for 15-20 mins. Serve as you would regular spaghetti.

Thumped Thursday

Today is a struggle. It was a struggle to get up, it has been a struggle to stay up. Stay up physically and emotionally... Obviously I am in no mood to be here so maybe I'll be back later I'm back. Not 100% but passable I guess... Just having one of those days.


Teapots and Two Year Olds

I have one of those teapots that whistles when the water gets hot. I love it even the dents in it! There is a routine when I make me a cup of tea. I put the water in the teapot and turn the burner on. When it gets hot and starts to whistle, the boy and I run in while he asks whats that. Then I turn it off and he again asks "What's That?" (his favorite question) I tell him it is the teapot and then we have to sing the little teapot song : You know the one "I'm a little teapot short and stout" complete with movements. Then he hugs me and I make my cup of tea , he has to smell the teabag and I have to tell him I am having a spot of tea. Makes me smile, I thought I would share the smile...

Silent Bells????

Retailer discord rings over charity's bells Apparently, some places are banning The Salvation Army's Charity bell ringing drive. I'm making my list and checking it twice....
As the Salvation Army kicks off its annual red-kettle program today, a growing number of retailers, from Best Buy to Target, are banning Salvation Army bell ringers from their doors -- to avoid having to choose between competing charities and out of concern for customers, they say. That's created a schism in the retail world, with rival chains banking on kettle-carrying volunteers to set them apart as more civic-minded.
I was not surprised in the least to see Best Buy banning them... They have not hearts, nor brains, nor my business anyway. Businesses have the right to pick and choose who they want to allow to solicit money for charity and such. I am not begrudging them that so noone jump on me for that. I merely point this out because that is just part of Christmas to me, you go shopping and hear the bells you come out drop your change in the kettle... Christmas is already one of the most hateful times of the year. (Just try working retail once during the holidays and you'll know what I mean)... now charity is being taken away in some places... Charity begins in the home but if your home doesn't allow charity then where is it going to begin???? Is it going to end? Have we gotten to the point where everyone feels they don't have to help, that's what the gov is for??? My Goodness People!

Wet Wednesday

Everybody Sing:
Rain, Rain go away. Come again, another day.
You know today, I don't even mind (well I do cuz David will probably have to work Saturday).... It was nice last night being cuddled up listening to the rain with the most wonderful man in the world. It took him two hours to make the 34 mile drive home last night. Why so long? Because the big man is down form Omaha and he didn't get out of work in time to beat the big rush on I35E... Not even a big difference in time either there is a 30 min window if he gets off at one time it takes an hour if he gets off 30 mins later it's two... amazing huh? It is for my poor lil Ozarkian Redneck brain... I still cannot comprehend all those people... Send me back to Nowhere, Arkansas population 49, it boggles the mind when you aren't used to so many ppl! I love you David, thank you for all you have to put up with just to provide for us. You are wonderful. OK... Crochet anyone? Well I am 1/4 way through football #1 Which will be Nathaniel's (if it turns out ok). The boy asked me what I was making yesterday and I said a football for Nathaniel's christmas present and he said "Noooo. Mommy make hat for Naniel". So I think that means I will also be making a hat for Nathaniel as well.


Half-double crochet decrease Dec 1 hdc over next 2 hdc as follows: [Yo, insert hook in next st, yo, draw lp through] twice, yo, draw through all 5 lps on hook. from: Stitchguide.com


Happy Anniversary

A Happy Anniversary goes out to Marvie and her Hubby (Who is proudly serving Our Wonderful Country in Germany). May you have many many more.

Terrific Tuesday?

Terrific or Terrifying? We'll see. I'm still flying after finishing Nathaniels stocking (and another present later that I can't show) So the list shortens... I have the spot for the tree and this weekend we're gonna go get it. I have been told that the day after thanksgiving we can set it up hehehehe I am such a big kid when it comes to Christmas anymore... It's David's fault. The Holiday's used to be the worst time of year for me, every year. Now I look forward to them and it's my favorite time of the year. OK well I have a bit of a sinus headache and doing this isn't helping, I have to get started on The boy's presents. So another day of crocheting.


Elongated Single Crochet Make foundation ch with an odd number of stitches Row 1: Starting in the 2nd ch from hook, * sc, ch 1, sk 1 ch *; rep from * to * ending with ch 1, turn. Row 2: * Insert hook under ch-1 of previous row and work sc into back loop of st that was skipped on the previous row, ch 1 *; rep from * to *, ch 1, turn. Row 3: * Insert hook under ch-1 and work a sc into the back loop of sc worked two rows below, ch1 *; rep from * to * across row, ch 1, turn. Row 3 forms the pattern and is repeated as necessary to complete project. From:Originals by Gidge


Finished Stocking #2

Finished Nathaniel's Stocking today, actually started and finished. It was: Priscilla's Quick 'n Easy Christmas Stocking. I made it using two strands of Red Heart SuperSaver Color 0384 Royal and my N hook. (It is darker than picture shows) I was going to add a cuff but I like the way it looked like it is so I just decided not to. I think it looks good. I love this pattern it works up easy and fast.

Monday Mayhem

MMmmmmmmmmmmm Crochety Goodness: A Teaser.... Yeah, yeah, a blurry picture. Nanner, Nanner, Nanner! You cannot look real good though because these are a couple presents and the picture might fall into the wrong hands. Got enough yarn this weekend to make the kids' presents, so off I go! Onto the Christmas rush! I learned a valuable lesson last night, actually at 3 am. Never adjust the thermostat without your glasses. We have a digital thermostat; and it's programable with tons of extra gizmos etc... when we rented this place and I asked the owner how it worked in all his wisdom said "I don't know but if you push this button it goes on"- anyway it was hot I freeze all day but come night time (being all snuggled) I get hot (add a dose of premenapausal night sweats) so I get up and set the temp to 73 from 75..... NOT we burn up the rest of the night only to find it set on 85!!! 85?????? Am I trying to roast us? Holy Flying radiators Batman! Maybe I sweated a few pounds off! lol Mark Martin came in second in the race woohoo 82 down from #1 Now I hold no hope he'll by some chance come in 1st but it's cool he isn't too far away pointwise. St Louis won even with Orlando Pace being thrown out of the game (insert grumbles and curses here about the refs throwing him out for making contacting with a ref when he was shoved into him)... Ummmm CAN'T... THINK.... MUST.... HAVE.... MORE..... COFFEE......


Arabesque Stitch Make a foundation chain in multiples of 4 plus 3> 5 x 4 + 3= 23 sts Row 1: Starting in 3rd ch from hook, * (dc, ch 1, dc) in 3rd ch, sk 1 ch, sc in next ch, sk 1 ch *; rep from * to * ending with (dc, ch 1, dc) in the last ch, ch 2, turn. Row 2: * Sc in ch-1 sp, (dc, ch 1, dc) in next sc *; rep from * to * ending with ch 2, turn. Row 2 forms the pattern and is rep as many times as you require. This is a great stitch for using as a skirt, vest, jacket, or pants for Barbie. If you change colors every 2-3 rows it would make a great afghan pattern. from: Originals by Gidge


Sunday Musings

There is ALOT about my childhood I would love to forget. Those who know, know what I mean (Those who don't trust me I would). I think a major reason I made it to adulthood with a least alittle sanity left (if you call this sane lol) is focusing on the things I would like to remember. This morning I found myself missing a few of those better things from then. I miss being out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woods. I miss going out to feed the chickens and gather eggs. I miss fresh eggs for breakfast, from said chickens. I miss raising pigs and always having a supply of "homegrown" pork. You know, bacon, sasuage, ham, pork chops etc... same goes with cows. I miss those things. We never had pastureland for cows but Dad had a deal with the neighbor (who lived a ways away) that we would swap pork for beef when it come time to butcher the animals. I hated working in the garden growing up. Now I would love to be on my own land to have my own garden to work. I wouldn't have to worry about the lease running out in the middle of the gardening season and moving... I miss not EVER having to lock our doors or windows. Hell I don't think I knew windows locked until I was grown. I miss the sounds of no traffic, if you heard a car and didn't recognize the sound of it from a mile away it was company. Life was not simple by any means back then, but some parts were just better. I guess I miss the country. Well enough rambling it's time to get busy.


Saturday Night

Well, Saturday is almost over. It was a good Saturday. We went to Lowe's got some Yule decorations. Mailed a couple packages off (one to Secret Pal). Went and got groceries and I got TWO new skillets!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! I was a cooking fool for dinner! Anyway we came home had lunch and took a nap. It was nice to be all cuddled up listening to the rain. Speaking of rain, it did that today. I washed clothes this morning, and hung them out then found out it was supposed to rain. Well I figured they would at least be almost dry before that happened. So when it started sprinkling I ran out and got them to my surprise they were still almost as wet as when I put them out. Irritating as heck!!!!! Again I want to thank everyone for all the encouragement and kind words, once again I have to say that ya'll Rock! I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is the week after this next one I try not to think about it because that leads to thinking about the kids' presents needed to be mailed shortly thereafter!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK! LOL OK well I finished something and it was really pretty unfortunately I cannot show it because it or one like it may end up being a present for someone. Notre Dame lost today not by much and those refs had alot to do with it! Made me sooooo made I honestly can say I WILL NOT WATCH ANOTHER FOOTBALL GAME UNTIL THE NEXT ONE COMES ON!!!! hehe Have a good weekend ya'll.



You know, sometimes, I really really get frustrated with myself. I have been doing really good as of late with the flylady thingy and have been feeling good about myself and life etc... my anxiety had been managable. Then today BOOM!... no reason at all. I'm a basketcase. It feels like I am not getting anything accomplished (I know that isn't true but it still feels that way). My thoughts are going rampant with worry I won't be able to get anything done for Christmas, we wont be able to find a tree, something bad is going to happen, etc. If you can name it I have worried about it today and I can't stop. I really hate when I get like this. A good point is I haven't let it sideline me today as in I have been able to function. I just get tired of those knots in my stomach and that tight "panicky" feeling in my chest.

Fab Friday

Friday, whew... David will be home this weekend, he doesn't have to work. And after our usual Saturday shopping excursion we don't have a thing to do. Went out to eat last night for Veteran's Day, only because everyone said "Go to Golden Corral on Vets day and vets eat free" Well once we got there we were inform (rather rudely I might add) That it was next Monday they were doing that... OK, makes sense to not do it on Veteran's Day but to do it 4 days after and on the night hubby usually has to work late. Well, we went ahead and ate, food was good and service this time was pretty good (Our local GC is hit and miss on food and service). Then we went to Wally World, picked up some items that were needed and a few that weren't. Got the Grandson part of his Christmas, the yarn to make his stocking and some cotten yarn for me to try a pot holder but I don't think I got enough. I ALWAYS feel like I am commiting a crime when I buy yarn... even if it is something for someone else like a $2.17 skien of yarn for Nathaniel's stocking. and then I actually got a $1.24 ball of cotton for myself *gasp*. I'm serious I feel horrible about it, I really do... I'm such a spaz!!!! On the other side we grabbed some movies, one was one David thought he had but doesn't. "We were Soldiers" (Which is a great movie but I cry almost all the way through it), we also got "A Christmas Story", "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Carol"(The original one). I watched A Chirstmas Story (one of my fave Christmas movies ever) last night since our local abc station was one of those to NOT air Saving Private Ryan and instead showed oprah.... It's ok for stations to air people eating animal anuses but not ok to show a war movie (and one every American should watch btw) to show on Veteran's Day? Moving on.... I got my Crochetville secret pal's birthday gift too hehe... I'm sending a package before then too but I wanted to get these things before they ran out because it's special. OK enough rambling... Finishing up a couple small things and I'm sorry but I cannot post a pic for fear I'll be found out Christmas presentwise.


Broken Mesh Stitch Make foundation chain in multiples of 9 plus 5. 9x2+5=23. Row 1: 1 sc into 2nd ch from hook, * ch 3, skip 2 ch, 1 sc, ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1 dc, ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1 sc *. Rep from * to * ending with ch 3, skip 2 ch, 1 sc, ch 3, turn. Row 2: * 3 dc into ch-3 loop, ch 2, 1 sc into dc, ch 2 *. Rep from * to * ending with 3 dc into last ch-3 loop, 1 dc into sc, ch 3, turn. Row 3: * 1 dc into 2nd dc of 3-dc group, ch 2, 1 sc into ch-2 loop, ch 3, 1 sc into next ch-2 loop, ch 2 *. Rep from * to * ending with 1 dc into 2nd dc of last 3-dc group, 1 dc into turning ch, ch 1, turn. Row 4: 1 sc into first dc, ch 2, 1 sc into next dc, ch 2, * 3 dc into ch-3 loop, ch 2, 1 sc into dc, ch 2 *. Rep from * to * ending with 1 sc into turning ch, ch 1, turn. Row 5: 1 sc into first sc, * ch 3, skip 1 sc, 1 sc into ch-2 loop, ch 3, 1 sc into next ch-2 loop *. Rep from * to * ending with ch 3, 1 sc into last sc, ch 3, turn. Rows 2 to 5 form pattern and are repeated as required. From Originals by Gidge

My Two Favorite Veterans

A Father and Son. One a Sailor, the other a Marine. One fought in Vietnam, the other in Iraq. One came home to hatred, the other to mixed reviews. One served his Country proudly, the other did as well. One risked his life for us all, the other did as well. Both are heros. Happy Veteran's Day David and Paul, my favorite Veterans.

To the Veteran

I woke up this morning, my bed was warm, soft, and comfortable. Thank You. I got up and put my clothes on, they were nice, not rags. Thank You. I walked through my house; it was warm, dry, and safe. Thank You. I got a cup of coffee, and prepared for my day without threat of life or fear of persecution. Thank You. I go online, read the news, read everyone's views; even expressed my own. Thank You. My son wakes up, He is safe, well fed, and happy. Thank You. I thank you, the Veteran, for all these things in my life. Things I would never have if not for you. I thank you, the Veteran, for because of you, I live in freedom and have never known what it was like to not be free. Thank you to all Veterans for your sacrifices in service to this Country. For ensuring the safety and freedom of my family. Sometimes you served with fanfare galore Other times you came home alone no fanfare, no parades, no thanks; nothing but hatred. Would that I could, give you a parade everyday. Thank you Veterans, for your service, and for my freedom. In Honor of Veterans. Veteran's Day 2004 copyright2004KariHoltz


Blog Blurb?

I just found out I have been mentioned or rather my blog has been mentioned on http://frontburner.dmagazine.com/. Totally cool!!! Does that make me famous or infamous? Better not go to my head I would hate to have to crochet bigger hats for myself!


Casey Family Revolutionary War Veterans

Casey Family - Revolutionary War Service Levi Casey (6th son of Abner Casey): Levi Casey was Brigadier General of South Carolina who died at age 59, year of 1807 in Washington City (Known now as D.C.) Early in the Revolutionary War, he received command of a company with which he gallantly assisted at the siege of Savannah. He was later a distinguished officer at the Battles of Rocky Mount, Hanging Rock, Musgroves, King's Mountain, Fishdanford, Blackstocks and at Cowpens. At the Battle of Cowpens, Levi performed important services to General Morgan. Levi Casey participated in a campaign into Georgia and Florida. He first served in Captain Thomas Dugan's Company under the command of Colonel James Williams. Colonel Williams was killed and replaced by Colonel Joseph Hayes. Levi served as Captain and later Lieutenant Colonel. After Hayes was killed by Tories, Levi Casey was promoted to Colonel and took command of Colonel Haye's Regiment - then known as the Little River Regiment. Levi Casey was Justice of the peace, Justice of Quorum, County Court Judge, Commissioner and U.S. Senator (1800 - 1803) from the 96th District, Spartanburg, South Carolina. He also was Tax Collector (1786), served in the State House of Representatives as representative of Little River (1786 - 1788). Levi was representative for Newberry County in the State House (1792-1796). John Casey (Son of Abner Casey): Moved from Roanoke, Virginia to South Carolina circa 1775. He settled on the Enoree River, Newberry County. John served in the Revolutionary War. (no details of his service have been found yet) According to our research, he is the Great-Grandfather of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain). James Casey (Son of Abner Casey): James lived with his wife, Nancy , and four sons in Spartanburg County, South Carolina - District 96. James, as his brothers did, served in the Revolutionary War. Christopher Casey (Son of Abner Casey): He entered the Revolutionary War shortly after the fall of Charleston to the British (May 1780). Christopher entered service as a Private under Colonel John Thomas and Colonel Cecil's command. Next, he served as a Lieutenant in command of a post at Calleo Harrison's Cabin for Colonel Beard. His third tour of duty was under Peter Brooks in Colonel John Thomas' regiment which was commanded by General Pickens. In this expedition he served as Lieutenant and Marched to Orangeburg, where they 'routed some tories'... Still under Captain Brooks, he marched to Bacon's Ridge where General Pickens rendezvoused for the purpose of assisting General Green. Christopher Casey served in Colonel Roebuck's regiment as Lieutenant and had command of a small detachment to Augusta for salt. He also served in Captain Ford's Company of Colonel Kiljours Regiment during the siege of '96'. Christopher Casey lived in an area sometimes known as the "Spartanburg District". Moses Casey (Son of Abner): Moses Casey lived in Spartanburg, South Carolina with three sons and five daughters in the 1770's. (1)He was a Captain in the Revolutionary War. No details of his service are available. In 1784, Moses bought 100 acres from his brother Christopher Casey (Sr.), said to be part of 250 acres lying along land claimed by his brother, James Casey. In 1787, Moses Casey bought 50 acres from (2)Jesse and Mary Casey (our ancestor). These 300 acres were in what was known then as Berkeley County, South Carolina, but today this area is in Spartanburg County. Benjamin Casey (Son of Abner Casey): Randolph and Levi Casey had a brother, (3)Benjamin. Randolph and Levi were in the 2nd Carolina Regiment under the command of Colonel Elijah Clark. Jesse Casey (Son of Abner Casey): (4)Jesse is listed with a wife, 4 sons, and 3 daughters in a survey made in the 96th District of South Carolina when he had 100 acres surveyed on the branches of Two Mile Creek, waters of the Enoree River. He is recorded as buying and selling several pieces of land, as being a slaveholder, and having other properties in District 96, Spartanburg County. In the late 1700's, Jesse moved to Tennessee where he is buried in Roane County. He is believed to have served in the Revolutionary War while living in District 96, South Carolina. Aaron Casey (Son of Jesse Casey): (5)Aaron Casey served in (6)Roebuck's Regiment after the fall of Charleston. He served for three years. Randolph Casey (Son of Abner): Randolph Casey served as Sergeant under Francis Marion - the famed "Swamp Fox of the Santee". He was at the Battle of King's Mountain and many other battles throughout the Carolinas and Georgia. Zaddock Casey (Son of Randolph Casey): As Governor of Illinois (1833), he often spoke of his father's (Randolph) Revolutionary War days. Jesse E. Casey (Son of Aaron Casey): Born 1799, Spartanburg County, South Carolina. (7)Jesse's father was of Irish descent and served through the Revolutionary War.

Birthday Wishes

Top 10 Ways to Cope With Holiday Party Anxiety

Top 10 Ways to Cope With Holiday Party Anxiety 1) Don't overbook yourself -- set boundaries 2) When you do go, set time limits 3) Have a safe place for every party 4) Bring someone who understands 5) Make the event special for yourself 6) Help yourself remember your coping tools 7) Bring a comfort bag 8) Talk to your therapist 9) Remember why you're celebrating 10) If you can't go, then don't go There's a wealth of more info there so go read it!

It's me again lol

I went and hung out clothes... there is a 30% chance of rain- it honestly looks like it could rain at any minute but I checked the radar and there is no rain anywhere. I only hung the big stuff outside though so if I did have to make a mad dash out in the rain I wouldn't have to grab a bunch of small things. When I got on my exercise bike this morning my knee reminded me I had tried to knock it off yesterday. OUCH.... I did my mins though, let me tell you I was counting seconds in the end though lol. Well back to real life. The boy is asking for "paco" Which for those of you who don't speak "Boober" that's popcorn. Just got an email from David he's gonna be coming home around noon. WOOHOO!!!!!!

Weary Wednesday

I was awaken this morning by HB (for those of you who don't know thats Hambut the cat), crawling in between me and hubby, purring and chirping(he does actually chirp when he wants to be babied) So he got good lovins and nuzzles and scratches which of course got the outboard motor really going (purrs) Hubby turned over then he got even more. So the kitty is happy. Especially since Daddy had to get up (since it was about that time) and kitty got Mommy all to himself. Until curiousity got the better of him and he had to go see what was going on everywhere else. HB is so funny at times, he loves getting his face in mine and nuzzling if not that then it's a paw. It was a bad sleep night for both David and I, his brother called after we were in bed so of course that creates the "Well I am awake now" thingy in your mind and you have to gear up for bed all over again. On the "I am a big baby" front, I am going to have to check out the forecast I think it must be gonna rain as my bones hurt so bad this morning. Had a heck of a time making the bed. (Yeah yeah I know bitch n moan) Sis has left her MIL and gone back to her little home with no computer set up. So I'll be without her for almost a whole week. Miss my morning chats with her. Course this last time we didn't get much morning chatting done but we did catch each other in the afternoons. I hope to get some more crochety goodness going on today. HOPEFULLY! Wish me luck.


Bobble Stitch Make foundation chain in multiples of 3 plus 2. 7x3+2=23 Row 1: 1 sc into 2nd ch from hook, * ch 3, skip 2 ch, 1 sc *. Rep from * to *, ending with ch 2, turn. Row 2: * 1 bobble in ch-3 space (=** yo, insert hook under ch-3 and draw yarn through. Rep from ** 3 times. There are now 9 loops on hook. Yo, draw yarn through 8 loops; 2 loops now on hook. Yo, draw through both loops), ch 3, 1 sc into next sc of previous row, ch 1 *. Rep from * to * ending with ch 2, turn. Row 3: *1 bobble into ch-3 space, ch 3, sc into bobble of previous row, ch 1 *. Rep from * to * ending with ch 2, turn. Row 3 forms the pattern and is repeated as required. From Originals by Gidge


Terrible Two's Tuesday

LOL ^ Just kidding. He hasn't been THAT bad, well actually he has been but he can't help it he's two. I've been busy decluttering today. Just about knocked my knee clean off I think(trying to get something from the boy- he thinks he is helping), it damn sure hurts. I am SUCH a clutz!!!!!!!! So for now I am crocheting until it stops throbbing. Since I have been flying I figured I would crochet something to help so I am making one of those plastic grocery store bag holders, so I can keep them up and out of the way. Of course I 'll post a pic when I am done.


Crossed Bar Stitch Make a loose foundation chain in multiples of 3 plus 1. >7x3+1=22 ch Row 1: 1 hdc into 2nd ch, ch 1, * 1 unfinished hdc into same ch (= yo, insert hook into ch and draw up loop; 3 loops on hook), skip 1 ch, 1 unfinished hdc in next ch (5 loops on hook), yo, draw yarn through all 5 loops ch 1 *. Rep from * to * ending with 1 hdc, ch 2, turn. Row 2: 1 hdc into ch-1 loop of previous row, ch 1, * 1 unfinished hdc into same ch loop, 1 unfinished hdc into next ch loop, yo, draw yarn through all 5 loops on hook, ch 1. Rep from * ending with 1 hdc, ch 2, turn. Row 2 forms the pattern and is repeated as required. From Originals by Gidge


"W" - Political? Post

Generalizations. We are all guilty of generalizing EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Can't help it. All Democrats are for abortion and socialized medicine, they are all pinko treehugging crazies who don't believe in God. Right? WRONG- that's a generalization. Likewise to say all Republicans are Straight, white, Christians who go around thumping bibles and want everyone to pray in school, believe in God, Guns, and the Patriot Act is a generalization as well. We do not all follow the party we belong to blindly. We all have differences even within our respective parties. I, for one think the patriot act borders on being George Orwellish and it scares the begeebers out of me. I also think the Government needs to stay out of my bedroom. I have seen quite a few blogs discussing "Tolerance" lately. On most of these sites (republican and democrat) I have seen little tolerance. I, myself, can be THE least tolerant bitch in the world. It's something we all need to work on. No, I don't believe that tolerance is approval. It just means you realize that people MAY believe, act, and feel differently than you and you don't go around judging them by telling them how stupid or wrong or going to hell because they don't act, believe, think the same way you do. You do that (pass judgment) then are you really any better than the radical Muslims that have declared Jihad(sp?) on the infidels? Think about it. ALOT of you would pass judgments on things in my life. Past and present... If you knew. That's why you don't. I don't want, need or care to be condemned to hell for anything by someone whose glass house has dirty windows. OK, I have vented something that has been troubling my soul for awhile. I'll hush on the subject now.

Monday, Monday

SHOULD be Crappysuckscuzhubbygoesbacktoworkday. hehe He got home at 12:30pm Saturday, so we went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond for a roasting pan. Went to Wally World to pick our movies up we had on layaway. So we came home and watched Moby Dick (I actually hadn't seen the old one with Gregory Peck). I fixed Stuffed Squash. I made Stuffed Peppers Thursday and had too much stuffing so I saved it and got a carnival squash (like an acorn squash but all different colors) and stuffed it with the leftover stuffing OMG!!!! It was ssoooooooooo good. We watched Hidalgo, (got the boy to bed), opened up a bottle of Sutter Home White Merlot and toasted George W. Bush. Sunday, The Boy and I did our weekly thing of making biscuits. We then took to the outdoors and mowed grass (David), raked leaves(me, I should mention we have around 40 trees in our yard) and played (Sean). Then after that came in and had a nap (woohoo). Didn't get much crocheting done. Made the flowers for the Poncho and headband but haven't finished headband cuz I can't get it to look right. Will try today after laundry is hung out. I love this flylady thing, I actually have been accomplishing things... or at least I think so. Well... off to start laundry.


Graziella's Stitch Make foundation chain in multiples of 6 plus 5. 6x3+5=23. Row 1: 2 dc into 4th ch from hook, * ch 2, skip 2 ch, 2 dc into next ch *. Rep from * to * ending with 1 dc into last stitch, ch 3, turn. Row 2: * (1 sc, ch 2) into ch-2 loop *. Rep from * to * ending with 1 sc into turning ch, ch 3, turn. Row 3: * 1 sc into first ch-2 loop of previous row, 6 dc into next ch-2 loop *. Rep from * to * ending with 1 sc into turning ch, ch 3, turn. Row 4: 2 dc into first sc, * ch 2, 1 dc into 3rd dc, 1 dc into 4th dc of 6-dc group, ch 2, 2 dc into sc *. Rep from * to * ending with 1 dc into turning ch, ch 3, turn. Rows 2 to 4 form the pattern and are repeated as required. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Originals by Gidge



Got this off of the AP Wire. It is a pic of Mt St Helen's taken at Twilight on Nov 4, 2004 Totally awesome. People ask me why. Why am I keeping tabs on that do I live there? No, we live in Texas right now, but I was born in Yakima, which is around something like 100 miles from there. I have family that still live in Washington as well. But the big thing is, I find it utterly fascinating, it's a powerful force of Nature at it's best. It's beautiful.

FlyLady Rocks out loud!

Yeah... I'm a bit overexcited about this but hey, when do you see someone excited about getting emails to remind you to get up and clean something? The tips are really great, and it's nice to be reminded that I don't have to do everything at once. I'm taking "baby steps" but they are at least steps and maybe just maybe I'll get rid of my clutter by Christmas!!!! Soo.... if you are like me... Queen of Clutter or if you just need some gentle prodding to clean or tips galore! (love those cleaning tips) I urge you to go check out FlyLady.net!

Sad Saturday.

David had to work today. It's not fair! It's not, it's not, it's not! *stomps foot and pouts* Our car is dying a slow and tragic death. I do not know what we are going to do if it gives out on us. This week has marked the death of some kids from my old school, I was already gone by then but I knew them. One was my brother's best friend and all were good friends of my best friend. They were young rowdy kids that took the wrong ride home and as a result they lost their lives. (One of the two major incidents in my life that made me so intolerant of drunk drivers) One of the boys, hung on for awhile. And it was pretty bad on everyone back home. (I was living in Oklahoma at the time). My best friend reminded me about it last night in an email about how she had prayed he would go ahead and die to ease his suffering. As well did alot of people including myself. It was the only thing that could have been done. No one will ever know why things like this happen. And trying to figure out why would only drive us crazy. We HAVE to find some way of coping through things like this. One main thing to do is pick this time, right here, right now, to count those blessings in your life. I don't care how crappy things are, they could be worse and the fact they aren't is a blessing. I have been blessed many times(For one driving around town late in a car that doesn't work right-totally lost was actually fun because of who I was with!). Sometimes it took awhile for me to see that something was a blessing but in the end it was. I am thankful for the blessings I have received in my life.



Thanks to Christina I just signed up over at: FlyLady. I'm excited to get started.

Carnival of the Recipes #12 is up

Carnival of the Recipes #12 is up! So go check it out... NOW!

Poncho, Poncho, (wo)MAN

I'll try this AGAIN... (Dang you blogger and me for forgetting to copy like usual so if I do lose it I can just paste it back) Here's Belle's Poncho. I just need to finish the headband (Working on it now) and make the flowers. The color is Sea Coral (it's old Red Heart) and didn't turn out right in this pic (camera is being screwy). Here's a picture of the monster being goofy. If you look at the bottom of the pic you can see the actual color of the poncho.

Interesting Tidbits from a morning's surf

A Modern Herbal- botanical.com Herbal Lore For you, Sis: Runes

(W) Arafat died?

Doctors Fight to Keep Arafat Alive Aparently, No one is getting stories straight as to whether he is in a coma or being kept alive artifically... I wonder who will take his place. I hope it is someone who will not tolerate all the violence. I wonder if it will mean all hell will break loose over there...


I am so glad it's Friday.... I missed David so much this week. I am so close to being finished with Belles poncho I should be doing that instead of being on here. I'll post pics later hopefully. Depends on the boy, if he's a big of a monster as yesterday I may not get much done. Not a good day today, my sciatic nerve was acting up yesterday, started while I was cleaning the living room (Yes David despite what you think I DID actually clean it yesterday). And has been bothering me all night, was just my foot but now it's radiating up my leg. I've had trouble with it forever. Sooo my right leg hurts like hell and really hurts when something touches it (those of you with this problem know full well what I am talking about), which is going to make today's laundry and dishes etc go real well... not looking forward to it. OK Have I bitched enough? OH! Karen(I think it was Karen) from Denton who sent me a message through yahoo, I need you to send me another, I closed the window and yahoo didn't save the message in my archive (bad yahoo, bad)so I don't have your yahoo id to answer you back.


Knotted Single Crochet Make foundation chain with any numbers of stitches. Row 1: * 1 sc into 2nd ch from hook, insert hook into same ch, yo, draw yarn through, insert hook into next ch, yo, draw yarn through, yo, draw yarn through 3 loops. Rep from * ending with ch 1, turn. Row 2: 1 sc, * insert hook into same stitch, yo, draw yarn through, yo, draw yarn through all 3 loops *. Rep from * to * , ch 1, turn. Row 2 forms the pattern and is repeated as required. From Originals by Gidge


W for politics

CNN Calls W Asshole All pictures have been pulled/renamed except at my last check: moron.jpg Above link came from Michelle Malkin -WHAT MEDIA BIAS?

Baby It's Cold Outside

You know it's a bit chilly outside when you take your hubby's freshly washed work clothes out to hang on the line and there is steam rising from them! I also forgot what it's like on your fingers hanging wet clothes in 30 degree temps... coooooold! The solution? I'm gonna go wash dishes lol That'll warm 'em up. ADDED: Dishes- done... now I have to tackle the living room to try to find some semblence of order since the boy decided to tear it apart while I was washing dishes. This is a common occurance, I clean in one area of the house he wrecks another... ahh the joys of life and motherhood. I would love to find time today to edge Belle's Poncho and make the heaadband to go with it. Then I can work on Nathaniel's stocking and their footballs (his and Seans) once I get those out of the way I can tackle the rest of the presents I have to make.

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Generalized anxiety disorder is a relatively common anxiety problem, affecting 3-4% of the population, that turns daily life into a state of worry, anxiety, and fear. Excessive thinking and dwelling on the "what ifs" characterizes this anxiety disorder. As a result, the person feels there’s no way out of the vicious cycle of anxiety and worry, and then becomes depressed about life and the state of anxiety they find themselves in. It’s the thinking, thinking, thinking, dwelling, dwelling, ruminating, ruminating, and inability to shut the mind off that so incapacitates the person. At other times, thoughts seem almost non-existent because the anxious feelings are so dominant. Feelings of worry, dread, lack of energy, and a loss of interest in life are common. Many times there is no "trigger" or "cause" for these feelings and the person realizes these feelings are irrational. Nevertheless, the feelings are very real. At this point, there is no "energy" or "zest" in life and no desire to want to do much. This emotional fear and worry can be quite strong. If a loved one is ten minutes late, the person with generalized anxiety fears the very worst -- something’s dreadfully wrong (after all, they’re ten minutes late!), there’s been an accident, the paramedics are taking the person to the hospital and his injuries are just too critical to resuscitate him....."Oh, my God!.....WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?" Feelings of fear and anxiety rush in from these thoughts, and the vicious cycle of anxiety and depression runs wild. Some people with generalized anxiety have fluctuations in mood from hour to hour, whereas others have "good days" and "bad days". Others do better in the morning, and others find it easier at the end of the day. These anxiety feelings and moods feed on themselves, leading the person to continue in the pattern of worry and anxiety -- unless something powerful breaks it up. Physical manifestations of generalized anxiety may include headaches, trembling, twitching, irritability, frustration, and inability to concentrate. Sleep disturbances may also occur. Elements of social phobia and/or panic may sometimes be present, such as high levels of self-consciousness in some situations, and fear of not being able to escape from enclosed spaces. It is also common, but not universal, for people with generalized anxiety to experience other problems, such as a quickness to startle from it, a lack of ability to fully relax, and the propensity to be in a state of constant motion. It is difficult for some people with generalized anxiety to settle down enough to have a quiet, reflective time where they can calm down, relax, and feel some peace and tranquility. Strategies to peacefully calm down and relax are one part in overcoming this problem. Normal life stresses aggravate generalized anxiety. The person who typically performs well at work and receives a sense of accomplishment from it, all of a sudden finds that work has become drudgery. If work is perceived as a negative environment, and the person no longer feels fulfilled, then considerable worry takes place over these situations. As a result, the anticipatory anxiety about going to work can become quite strong. Generalized anxiety has been shown to respond best to cognitive-behavioral therapy, an active therapy that involves more than just talking to a therapist. In CBT, the person gradually learns to see situations and problems in a different perspective and learns the methods and techniques to use to alleviate and reduce anxiety. Sometimes medication is a helpful adjunct to therapy, but for many people it is not necessary. Research indicates that generalized anxiety is fully treatable and can be successfully overcome over the course of about three to four months if the person is motivated and works toward recovery. Generalized anxiety must be chipped away from all sides and that is what CBT is designed to do. No one has to live with generalized anxiety disorder......treatment for GAD has been shown to be both effective and successful. Please seek a therapist who understands anxiety and the anxiety disorders. Remember, that just because a person has a degree behind their name, does not mean they understand and can treat an anxiety disorder. Feel free to ask questions of any professional and make sure your therapist understands and knows how to treat generalized anxiety. It is usually a good idea to see a specialist in this area (they don’t charge more), but they do have a practice that is geared toward the anxiety disorders.


Arabesque Stitch Make a foundation chain in multiples of 4 plus 3> 5 x 4 + 3= 23 sts Row 1: Starting in 3rd ch from hook, * (dc, ch 1, dc) in 3rd ch, sk 1 ch, sc in next ch, sk 1 ch *; rep from * to * ending with (dc, ch 1, dc) in the last ch, ch 2, turn. Row 2: * Sc in ch-1 sp, (dc, ch 1, dc) in next sc *; rep from * to * ending with ch 2, turn. Row 2 forms the pattern and is rep as many times as you require. This is a great stitch for using as a skirt, vest, jacket, or pants for Barbie. If you change colors every 2-3 rows it would make a great afghan pattern. From Originals by Gidge


Ugh... *cough cough* Well it's the day after the day after. I am almost finished with the small poroject I was working on that I haven't decided where it's going to go so I better not post it cuz it might go to my secret pal shhhhhh. I don't really have much to say... I started on the edging for Belle's Poncho last night so I WILL get that done today hopefully. Seemed like yesterday I couldn't get anything accomplished.


A Story of Hope

David over at Shadydowns wrote "A Story of Hope" earlier. Great little true story to read. He's a smart man, that David, and I 'm not just saying that cuz he's my hubby and I love him. So go give it a read, given the time we are in right now it gives a good message. I will follow his lead... I will take the high road.

Look!! <<<--- over there

What beautiful pictures have been coming through the Valcano Cam today. Absolutly stunning!


"W" Wednesday!- It's OFFICIAL!!!!

One more time I'd like to say WE WON! WE WON! YOU LOST! WHY???? Why did you lose??? You lost because you picked a loser traitor to represent you!!!!!!!! To my cousin Patrick, I'd like to say "NANNER NANNER NANNER dumb Texan huh? At least MY dumb Texan didn't turn on his country. At least my dumb Texan won!" Maybe the democratic party decided to put kerry in there just to lose as my good friend Smoke Eater says, just to set it up for Billary's run in '08. Maybe that is the case, it would make it a little easier to believe than the fact they wanted a man who turned his back on his fellow servicemen during the Vietnam war. Everyone embraced this man. Touted how good he was what a decent man, how he served his country, was a war hero, cared about this country. I tell you this now... There is no way I will EVER forgive that man for what he did to veterans like my husband. In my eyes, he was, is and will be a traitor to this country. And the fact the democratic party supported him will be a sore spot with me for a long time. They were talking on Fox news about how divided this country is, and I have seen kerry supporters blogs about how the division is Bush and Republicans fault. That remains to be seen by me. I see division because people like kerry are chosen to run your party. Not only is he a traitor but he did everything in his power to create divisions between classes during this election -he tried to stir up trouble for things just like he did during the Vietnam war. Yes, the division is real, and it won't easily go away.


AP is reporting kerry has called PRESIDENT Bush to concede!!!! PLEASE PLEASE Be true..... Updated: Fox news has confirmed kerry called Bush to concede and will speak publically at noon (central time)! UPDATE2 Projection Nevada goes to Bush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Means Bush win both Popular vote and Electoral vote! update3 By all appearences Bush has won. I am happy. I wish this election had went better though. It was horrible the way alot of people acted (on both sides). There is such a division between parties now I wonder if the country will ever recover fully. GOD BLESS AMERICA! Please pray for this country and it's leaders and also for it's citizens.


Crossed Single Crochet Make foundation chain with an even number of stiches. Row 1: Insert hook into 4th ch from hook, yo, next ch, yo, draw loop through (3 loops on hook), yo and draw loop through all 3 loops on hook, ch 1, * insert hook into stitch just worked, yo, draw loop through, sk 1 ch, insert hook into next ch, yo, draw loop through, yo and draw loop through all 3 loops on hook, ch 1 *. Rep from * to * ending with 1 sc into last stitch worked, ch 2, turn. Row 2: Insert hook under first ch of previous ow, yo, draw loop through, insert hook under next ch-1, yo, draw loop through, yo and draw loop through all 3 loops on hook, ch 1, * insert hook into stitch just worked, yo, draw loop through, insert hook under next ch-1, yo and draw loop through all 3 loops on hook, ch 1 *. Rep from * to * ending with 1 sc, ch 2, turn. Row 2 forms the pattern and is repeated as required. From Originals by Gidge

Anxiety and Holidays

Got an email from About.com's Anxiety section about Holidays and Anxiety, thought I would share since it is coming up on the season we are all supposed to be jolly but usually end up being stressed. Holidays have been horrible for me most of my life. Only since I have been with David have they started to become enjoyable. Mainly because he is so easygoing about those things I just don't worry so much about making the "perfect" holiday experience. Oh, I still have anxiety but it's controllable usually. Coping tips from people who know how you feel
If holidays are stressful for so many people, what are they like for people with anxiety disorders? Phobias can keep us from attending functions with our loved ones. Or maybe we do go to them but feel the pain of high anxiety throughout the events. Anxiety in various forms may cause us to worry about creating a "perfect" day. Or we may be worried about possible confrontations with family members.
Here's some of the advice: Take Breaks From the Chaos Take Care of Yourself Try Assertiveness More tips to help you cope: Be a Loving Person Simplify Give Yourself Permission to Stay Home

Now for Content not Political

Well there isn't much of any.... I'm sick as a dog. Ummm if I do a political post I'll put a big ole "W" in the Subject that way those of you who do not agree with my politial views dont have to read it to see if I put anything else in it if you dont want. I am working on something small right now cuz I was coughing so bad last night I couldn't focus on Belles sweater, hopefully I can get it finished today though, well both... I'll post more later.

"W" Wednesday

Not going to gloat or even talk about the Presidental Elections for now other than to say the reports of violence from yesterday disgust me. When I was a kid growing up you hurt the other side by not voting for them not by violence. OK now I AM going to gloat over the fact that I checked out the results from "Home" - home being Greene county Missouri. Not only did Matt Blunt win Gov. Kit Bond won Sen., Roy Blunt won Us Rep for District 7 and in the statewide/countrywide elections Greene county went soooo republican it probably glowed like a stop light on the maps!!!!!!! lmao bet the Springfield News-Liberal I mean News-Leader hates that!!!!! Greene County Missouri Election Results http://news.yahoo.com/electionresults


Ye foul Demons!

The Fiends!!! How DARE Bed, Bath, and Beyond send us a sales flier! AS IF We needed an excuse to go there and spend money!!!!!

Thank You Secret Pal

My Secret Pal sent me an ecard gretting. It was very sweet! Thanks it made my day! ----- Added this just cuz: I'm Pretty Darn Interesting!
I'm Pretty Darn Interesting!
Take Just How Interesting Are You? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

You may not be the life of the party, but people generally find you a fun-loving font of interesting stories, jokes, and wit. With just a little more work, you could easily become the most interesting person you know!

Ten Thousand Tuesday

Sometime over the night my humble little blog surpassed 10,000 visitors!!!!!! Thank you everyone, for your visits, even those who come by just to see if I have said something politically incorrect! lol All I have left to do on Belle's poncho is the edging! And the headband. I have a couple side small projects that need to be worked on too so I don't know what I'll do today. I have a sore throat and an ear ache today. :( And I was cuddled up to David so comfortable and warm then the alarm went off :( NOT FAIR! I soooo need to pick the winning lottery numbers. Today is also Election Day. I would love to make a last push and tell everyone how bad this country will get if kerry is elected and how he left men in Vietnam to die by denying their existence back in the 90's, not to mention his actions after he got back from his 4 month tour. But I won't. How he'll raise taxes, and lower military spending, and put those soldiers over in Iraq in more danger by his U.N. asskissing actions, but I won't. How Bin Laden wants you to vote for kerry. But I won't. Why? Because most people have already made up their minds. I'm highly unsettled by this election. There is so much talk about voter fraud there is NO way ANYONE no matter who wins can be sure of an honest win. If Bush wins, kerry command central will unleash the lawhounds (don't forget his little sidekick is one) and contest the victory. And if kerry wins I really do expect the same from the Right. When states like Florida put a call to action for people to register to vote in that state even if they are not residents just to get the state to swing towards one side IT'S JUST NOT RIGHT!!!!! There are counties in Ohio that have more people registered to vote than it has legal citizens of voting age!!!! Might as well line up the canidates and play "enny meany miny mo". I'm not saying that most people are out to sabotage (sp?) this election. I know exactly who is doing it. No, I am not going to say the Democraps so ya'll can put the torches out and lay the pitchforks down. I do believe there are party's involved with interests outside this country that would love to see us thrown into turmoil. If election results are contested (and you know they are taking good odds in Vegas that they will be) we will be in a state of chaos momentarily. Which is what our enemies want. Each indivual(sp?) state has already been threatened by action if we don't elect the person THEY want us to elect. Go vote. PLEASE, it's your right. My ancestors fought and died to give you that freedom. I pray you vote for Bush but it is up to you. No matter who you vote for pray for this country because over the next few weeks no matter who wins we will need any and all prayers we can get. God Bless America.


Crossed Bar Stitch Make a loose foundation chain in multiples of 3 plus 1. >7x3+1=22 ch Row 1: 1 hdc into 2nd ch, ch 1, * 1 unfinished hdc into same ch (= yo, insert hook into ch and draw up loop; 3 loops on hook), skip 1 ch, 1 unfinished hdc in next ch (5 loops on hook), yo, draw yarn through all 5 loops ch 1 *. Rep from * to * ending with 1 hdc, ch 2, turn. Row 2: 1 hdc into ch-1 loop of previous row, ch 1, * 1 unfinished hdc into same ch loop, 1 unfinished hdc into next ch loop, yo, draw yarn through all 5 loops on hook, ch 1. Rep from * ending with 1 hdc, ch 2, turn. Row 2 forms the pattern and is repeated as required. From Originals by Gidge



Half-double crochet decrease Appearance in pattern - hdc dec Dec 1 hdc over next 2 hdc as follows: [Yo, insert hook in next st, yo, draw lp through] twice, yo, draw through all 5 lps on hook. From Stitchguide.com.

Monday??? NO FAIR! *stomps foot*

I first want to go on the record saying that alarms and workdays should be outlawed! It's not fair!!!! Weekends are NOT long enough. They do not have near enough cuddle time. And I miss David now cuz he's off to work. It's NOT fair!!!!! OK I've ranted so I'll settle down. OOOHHH Mark Martin ALMOST won the race!!!!!! Came in second. Too bad he didn't win but, like he said they were screwed either way when that caution came out. I promised pics : First here's Halloween pics: Pumpkin Boy (sorry Chie couldn't resist) he met all the trick-or-treaters at the door with a "Hi" and "Bye". He was cute. And me in my wicthy chocolatey goodness: Here's David and warm winter hat (goes with the scarf I made him for his BDay remember?) And last but not least found out about this and spent a couple hours making these to send off: Oh an am almost finished with Belle's little poncho so hopefully I'll get it done today. Have so much to do today.....

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