Monday, Monday
Well, yet another weekend has come and gone. Not much went on this weekend. Saturday we went grocery shopping since we all felt so bad during the week we didn't go. This cold really kicked my ass. Sunday was wash clothes and bum around the house day. We watched race. It's so sad about the plane crash, the Hendrick family has had their blows this year. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those involved. Watched alittle football.
I cannot believe the Cards have gone 0-2 - oh wait yeah I can lol. Lets just hope the come back once at home.
Saturday during our shopping expedition we went to Lowes, they had some windchimes I was wanting but they were 50 dollars so I hadn't gotten them. Well we walked in and there they were marked down to $33! Needless to say we brought them home! They sound so beautiful. They are the big bronze ones by the little green one that David got me last week at Bed, Bath and Beyond. They both sound great together. He's such a sweetheart, so good to me. He spoils us rotten though. (not complaining lol)
We got a couple things for our Christmas tree too. Getting to be that time of year, everyone has their Christmas stuff out.
I didn't get much crocheting done Saturday, Sunday I got most of the boy's hat done hopefully today I'll finish it and post pics. Belle's sweater is slowed down as I am not going to have enough yarn so I am going to have to figure something out for her sleeves. Which is a real bummer.

Blog Archive
- David
- Happy Halloween!
- SotD
- Saturday!
- Miss me?
- SotD
- SotD (Two for One sice I missed yesterday)
- never fails
- Thursday
- ehh
- It's about time!
- Hairdryers, yarn, and naps
- SotD
- Tuesday Projects
- Finished!!!!!!!
- Stolen Honor
- I've tried
- SotD
- Monday, Monday
- Our Prayers with you
- SotD
- Livid
- Carnival of the Recipes #10 is up!
- SotD
- Don't mind me
- SotD
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- Back to School
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- A Conservative's Analysis of John Kerry's Record
- Consider this your warning!
- Carnival of the Recipes #9 is up
- Wilson’s Creek
- My Grandpa
- Stuffed Peppers
- Interesting Picture
- Mark Martin's Press Conference
- Ch Ch Ch Changes
- EEEKKKK! Giant Spider attacks Volcano
- Did I mention?
- Corny? Yes- but hey....
- grrrr
- AMERICAN WARMONGER: Tororu (Japanese for Troll)
- Everything (For David)
- Retitled: It aint underwear boys!
- Echoes Of Forever: A Rant On Politics
- Not Politics
- Hey Smoke Eater
- Grrrr, Monday.
- Saturday?
- Blog Explosion
- Crochet
- EBAY Scam
- 'nother scrunchi
- Mount St. Helens' Crater Floor Rising
- Truth?
- Too Funny
- Danger of Mount St. Helens Eruption Passes
- David
- Rodney Dangerfield Dies at Age 82
- Jr swearing
- Wednesday Again
- People over 35
- nbc5i.com - News - Toby Keith's Bus Driver Shot On...
- In Loving Memory
- Update on Rachel
- Penalty Drops Earnhardt Out of First Place
- My Friend Rachel
- RIGHT WING NUT JOBS UNITE!: How do you define Pati...
- Something Stinks in Denton.
- Actress Janet Leigh Dies at 77
- omg! So cool!
- Some of the People...
- Opinions and Assholes
- Mount St. Helens ready to erupt at any moment: geo...
- PJ's Answer
- Blogs for Bush: More Debate Questions
- Rain and TGIF and stupid people...