T- T- Tuesday
Oh man I am one big pain.
(David would probably agree although not the kind of pain I'm talking about but one in the butt lmao)
We put a muscle rub type stuff on it last night and I had a reaction to it... so now along with the muscle pain (which went away for awhile but is back) I have to deal with a "sunburn" type pain. grrrr boy this week gets better all the time. lmao
Yeah... I'm a big ole baby ya'll.
Certain pain I can handle, actually can enjoy, but pain from injury or such I am a big ole wuss.
ONTO other things......
ummmm *thinks* oh yeah CROCHET! That's why I started this blog. I'm working on... this super top secret project ya know, and I am trying a new thing out to see if it'll work ok for what I am doing. So far it's turning out cool and I think will work great and the person who will recieve it in the end (ooo that sounded like a baaaad porn movie) will like it. When it's all said and done and over I'll be able to expose myself it.
Every time I tried to crochet yesterday when not sitting in front of the computer I either had the boy or the cat jumping in my lap.
Hopefully I can get some done today as I need to get the finishing touches on my Hatswap hat.
Speaking of swaps... (STILL talking crochet don't get excited)
I want so much to join the Shawl/poncho swap at Crochetville... I'm just worried I wouldn't get it made in time......
ok well I hope I can do my Chico Metrics workout today, we'll see if my back lets up any.
Blog Archive
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- The "camo" pattern that I ended up creating. It's...
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- What age do you act?
- See the Cat? Hambut the wonder cat hiding in the H...
- See the boy. He says "Posta be Daddy's Boy" That, ...
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