Oompa Loompa Democrats- BlogsofWar
Oompa Loompa Democrats
Oompa Loompa Democrats doo
I've got another doozy for you
Oompa Loompa doompadah dee
If you are clueless you'll vote for me
What do you get from a glut of TV?
Swift Boat Vets always shooting at me
Why don't you try simply reading a book?
But at my weak record you better not look!
You'll get no
You'll get no
You'll get no
You'll get no
You'll get no achievements
Oompa Loompa Doompadee Dah
At your expense I will go far
Taxing and spending, flip-flopping too
Like the Oompa
Oompa Loompa Democrats do
And from:
Jessica's Well we have:

OK enough of poking fun at "Orange Man" Maybe... just maybe he's trying for the Orange County vote? I'm sorry I couldn't help it. The orange will fade too bad the doofusness will always be with him.
Blogspot, my gracious host here seems to be having some trouble with simple thigns like posting ' so sometimes there is a weird symbol were there should be '
So if you see weird symbols it's probably an apostrophe .
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