
Another Day

Well here's the poop: Rae had part of her tests ran yesterday, today they will run something down to look at her heart from that angle. She said that if she understood the DR right, it's now not a matter of IF surgery but WHEN. So obviously she's not too happy, but said she has resigned herself that right now she's just along for the ride. I so wish I could be there for her. If you have been paying attn to my amber laert up there you'll have seen Jami Hicks' amber alert. She's 12 and from Mesquite. Please click the link and just look at her and her step-father. I have lots of problems with this one, biggest one being that the family had found "love letters" form the step-father to her this past weekend and the police didn't do anything. She was gone 4 DAYS before they issued an amber alert. OK now even if it was consentual and she left of her own accord she is 12 freakin years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ppl freakin make me sick

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