Dogwood Dreams
The best way to start a new journey is to take a deep breath and take that first step.
It seems somehow odd to be blogging after so long. Life, then Facebook, then life again seem to have just gotten me in the habit of not blogging. I swear fb is bad for the attention span, twitter too. Having to limit thoughts to fit into their little boxes seem to play havoc on the mind.
It is easy to get into the instant gratification of nowdays, but, I can blog on my phone right? lol
I really need blogging back in my life. I miss it and miss reading everyone's blogs.
I miss blogging.
So I am going to make a concentrated effort to restart. I think I will go back to HTTP:// and run with it. Tomorrow. Right now I am to sleep. having some health issues messing up my head n eyes so need rest.
well hello there
yes, this is me, dusting off the cobwebs and blogging on this blog....
I will try to gather up all my old blog posts from other blogs into this one. hard for me to spend too much time on the computer(on my phone right now) as my laptop died and am on hubby's desktop and for some reason it doesn't feel right to be on it much. weirdness I know ... just bad juju ....
I probably should catch ppl up on my life. I will, but it will take time... right now is not the time.
one thing, on June 17, 2011, an 18 yr old drunk driver fled the scene of a minor fender bender. he turned and drove the wrong way down the road and hit the vehicle my son, daugher in law and grandbaby were in headon. my 21 year old son and 7 month old grandbaby were killed instantly, my dil was injuried but not too bad..
It has been three months. I cannot even begin to describe the immense pain and anguish this has caused in our lives......
My head hurts.
New Blog, as soon as I get everything working and get my own template made and links up and such it'll become home.
Latest Quizz
Take the quiz: "What Historic Woman Are You?"

Queen Medb
Queen Medb was an Irish queen, and what a queen! She ruled HER WAY or the HIGHWAY. When arguing with her husband over who had the greater fortune, she got so mad that she called a war on a neighboring kingdom to capture a bull so that she'd be wealthier than her husband. She was impulsive, temperamental, and passionate, just like you. But try and be a little calmer. Read more about this fascinating woman: Ummm David you don't have to take this one I'll understand :P

Queen Medb
Queen Medb was an Irish queen, and what a queen! She ruled HER WAY or the HIGHWAY. When arguing with her husband over who had the greater fortune, she got so mad that she called a war on a neighboring kingdom to capture a bull so that she'd be wealthier than her husband. She was impulsive, temperamental, and passionate, just like you. But try and be a little calmer. Read more about this fascinating woman: Ummm David you don't have to take this one I'll understand :P
Why am I bothering with Blogger? Wednesday
OK well the boy didn't get up and I thought oh boy I can sleep in but as Daddy was leaving the boy comes tearassin through the house to the back to tell Daddy goodbye.
*smacks forehead* At least it was 4 or 4:30 it was 5 lol
Been working on something crochetwise I'm not ready to "go public" with just yet but just so you know I am crocheting when I get a chance.
Well today I will either switch to word press, moveable type, or redo my enitre template to fix what got messed up with my having to revert to the old backup.
I just haven't decided yet. If I swithc to one of the other I will host it on our website so I will notify ya here.
If your button/link/webring is missing it's because I had to resort to an old backup and it's one where everything is all screwy.
I will work on it tomorrow.
Anyone know anything about moveable type?
I guess I better watch what I say. Blogger ate my template or so it seems. I went in to see it and it's not there....
dun dun dun dun DUUUUUUUUN
I will try to get it back
I'm getting pissed.
I realize blogger is free and you get what you pay for but
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang people.
I DIDN'T pay for a freakin' headache!
So why are you giving me one????????????????????????
What a wonderful way of handling rudeness.
The Chainik Hocker: A Dingo Ate My Journalistic Integrity!
The Chainik Hocker: A Dingo Ate My Journalistic Integrity!
Interesting read there....
It's about Mike "Hey I'm so Stupid I wouldn't be allowed into America" Carlton's latest diatribe against our current administration.
TU- TU -TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
One day in the future, I will remind the boy how he used to get mommy up at 4:30 am.
I thought I would try to sleep in today... wrong wrong wrong.
Oh well already got a load of laundry in the dryer. And as it would be thats the only load of laundry that needs to be washed!
I'm trying not to let the tiredness catch up to me.
I got my Crochetville Spring Secret Pal I'm so excited!
Also I'm a Mod here: Tight Knit Friends (dont let the name fool ya it's not just knitting it's crochet too. You should come check it out.
My favorite coffee in the world is Churchill Coffee's Sinless Pastry. Thank Goodness they let me order it off their website cuz we can't find it down here.
UPDATED: Pastor Ricky update
Pastor Rick will undergo back surgery tomorrow. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
Just got off the phone with Pastor Rick. He's sore but made it through surgery ok. He thanks everyone for their prayers. Nick will probably post an update on Ricks blog tonight too.
Sperm Donor Latest
Remember the boy's bad day where his father had called and then hung up on him?
He called again this weekend (the sperm donor that is), wanting to talk to "his son" since he didn't get to on his birthday.
I am like : "Hang on you talked to him on your birthday!"
He: "I did? Oh I forgot I guess"
Me: "Yeah and you hung up on him."
He: "No my phone card ran out on me."
OK thats a resonably good excuse except for one big thing.... when they call through these pre-paid phone cards (when anyone does) it shows up on caller id as unavailable with a different number (not their home number) or no number at all.... The call I got on his birthday had his name and home phone number on it.
Back up on the lying part a minute and lets address the fact he forgot he talked to his son... HUH?????? How do you forget something like that?
I'm at a loss..... anyway he talked to him for a bit (Sean didn't want to talk very long) then I ended up with the phone and he's wanting to know when we're gonna be up there.... uhhhh why should we go out of our way AGAIN (and it's waaaaaaaaay out like three states way out of our way) to bring your son to you since you have never done anything to even TRY to see him other than having us bring him to you?
I said I didn't know when David got his vacation cuz he's been pretty sick He's like "oh ok bye".
Vikings: Moss might be traded
Yahoo! Sports - NFL - Vikings: Moss might be traded
Vikings: Moss might be traded by Fanball Staff - Monday, January 24, 2005 News A team source told ESPN reporter Chris Mortensen that there is a 60-40 chance that wide receiver Randy Moss will be traded during the offseason. Last week, a close friend of Moss stated publicly that the wideout expressed interest in being traded. The rumored suitors for Moss include the Ravens, Jets, Redskins, and Cardinals. Views The Vikings are said to be asking for a king's ransom for Moss. In other words, they are hoping to be on the other end of the Herschel Walker trade that helped the Cowboys build a mini-dynasty. Whether there is a team willing to pay such a price to acquire Moss remains to be seen.OMG YES YES YES!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Go to ANYONE on that list but the Redskins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Law to KC????
Should KC sign Ty Law? I'm not sure...
Law offers the Chiefs T.O. effect
The article is basically saying the Law going to KC would be like TO going to Philly... not sure that is a good thing to be compared to as TO is a punk.
I understand the principal behind it though but not sure that Ty Law is what the Chiefs need... they need SOMETHING though.
Mad Monday
Starting off with the reason I am mad
The Falcons and The Steelers totaly choked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF game were ya'll at cuz you weren't at the game you SHOULD HAVE BEEN PLAYING TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I won't watch the superbowl cuz both teams playing I hate so where's the fun in that? Don't get me wrong I am the person wwho watches football for football not even caring what team is playing but when it comes to the Super Bowl there is so much BS that goes along with it it isn't about football and I can't/don't watch it if there isn't a team I want to win.
Hang on need more coffee- OK back and done ranting.
David went back to work.... *pouts* We really need to win the lottery, just enough money so David doesn't have to go to work every day at 4:30 AM!
Didn't get much crocheting doen this weekend, got nothing done like I planned. Had so much going on. Did get the yarn for K's hat thoguh so I can make it and send her stuff off finally.
Sutty, has left for Oregon. We wish her welll and will miss her presence online.
Pastor Rick has surgery today we pray for him to make it through ok and start feeling better soon.
David will get the results to his bloodtests soon and hopefully we can get him set up with another DR. One that "has time" for him and actually wants to help him feel better and find out whats wrong.
Alekx and Burfica have been going through it with their mother and although she is doing better we still send prayes and well wishes their way.
Tiff lost her Great Grandfather, our prayers are with you and your family - we are so sorry for your loss.
Our prayers are also with Smoke and his younger bro, hopefully things will work out for them.
My dear Sis, I haven't seen you around in a couple days and hope all is well with you hun.
*sighs* Well Kitten said it... When it rains it freakin pours here in blogdom!
Welll.... now that is taken care of.... guess I will go cruising blogs and continue to try to wake up. Have a good day everyone.
Dr Phil's Test
Hubby found this at Humble Devildog's blog.
Go take it and let us know what you scored. David got 32 and I got 33. lol
Posted pictures of David's Grandkids on his blog, go see how adorable they are.
Shadydowns Soapbox
Rest in peace Johnny Carson
Late-Night King Johnny Carson Dies at 79
LOS ANGELES - Johnny Carson (news), the "Tonight Show" host who served America a smooth nightcap of celebrity banter, droll comedy and heartland charm for 30 years, died Sunday. He was 79. NBC said Carson died of emphysema at his Malibu home.
When it rains it pours....
Please pray for Pastor Ricky, he's in the hospital, with complications from an injury. Feel Better soon.
Rice Box
It was really really good.
Used chopsticks for the first time. Which was funny but I managed to eat most with them! They pack your plate with soooo much food it's impossible to eat it all!
The Boy's and my fortune cookies were right on though:
The Boy's was:
"Life to you is a dashing and bold adventure."
and mine:
"You have at your command the wisdom of the ages."
There have never been two more accurate fortunes lol
So crazy Saturday
Man how hetic can a day be?
We had to get up run to the dr to get David's bloodwork... that ended up being a hurry up and wait forever thing.
Then we went to goodwill and another thrift store, might as well not have cuz I crapped out on yarn. goodwill had a bag of three old half used skiens but nothing I couldn't live without so I left them for someone who needed them more.
We then went to a funiture store and found all kinds of things we'd love to have (a bed to D-I-E DIE for, I'm serious it was big and manly and gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but alas you need room for those things... but we did find a table and chairs I think we're close to getting (hope hope hope)!
We also went to a local sporting goods store that was going out of business, picked up a knife for David's son to replace the one we bought him two Christmases ago that broke on him.
We stood at the steps of the courthouse and listened to some musicians playing. Sean really loves banjos and fiddles.
Did I tell that David got himself a banjo finally? Now we'll both have one. (We both already have guitars). Can't wait till the boy is old enough to pick what he wants to play.
Then we went to wally world, I didn't even go to the yarn (omg I must be sick) but I did get a new pair of jeans and we both got shoes.
Came home I fixed tuna sandwhiches and we ate and were supposed to be taking a nap but the boy won't go to sleep. So I'm up and he's playing in his room. He's (the boy) going through a "phase" of being a pain when we got somewhere. Usually he's a dool everywhere but he's gotten to where only certain places he likes to go.
Oh speaking of that we went to the ups store and mailed off my hatswap hat. The guy working today gave the boy ANOTHER 88 car (that makes two the same guy has given him) EVERY time we go there they give him something! Last time it was a big calculator! They all just think he is Da Bomb!
Happy Birthday Beth and for SP whose is tomorrow (I think) as well. You two can give each other birthday hugs for us!
And Sutty, I am so glad you are leaving that situation. I know it will be hard but believe me you are strong enough to make it. You'll be on our thoughts and prayers. You have both our address and number, keep in touch.
We're gonna go out to eat tonight I think. To the Rice Box. We haven't been there yet and we've been wanting to try it. Tomorrow is stay home day. David is gonna smoke a pork tenderloin and some pork steaks.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
CT Scan Results
No big C in his spleen. Couple other things but they weren't concerned and the dr didn't request to see him Must be too busy- QUACK.
Although this is good news, (no cancer) it leads to the question of
What's wrong then? Wouldn't you think the dr would want to know? Geesh....
He goes for more bloodwork hopefully I can get him to make an appt with another dr.

General Two Card Spread: 0 The Fool - Be wary you don't lose yourself in the materializm of the world. Look for unplanned changes. Are you walking the path that is right for you? Queen of Cups- Are you or your emotions ruling your life? Make sure you are aware of where your energy is coming from. Perhaps, a feminine influence in your life needs to be heard more clearly. If she is telling you something listen don't just brush it off.
Welcome back Home
Shout out to Buffbabe220 for making it back to the states from Iraq safely.
Airport security may have treated ya'll like shit but you're all heros to us.
Bless you all for your service to our country.
Welcome back to the USA!
Friday's in a Frenzy
Hehe catchy title huh?
When I think of yarn I think in terms of color, how soft, how pretty, what I will make and for whom.
When David thinks if yarn he sees plastic tubs of yarn floating around his head like cartoons stars after being hit. Does that mean I have too much yarn? To an outsider, possibly. To a yarny? You can not ever have "too much yarn"... that phrase doesn't exisit in our vocabulary. You never know when you will need this type/color for a project.
I'm addicted. To yarn. I've cast my lot in life and ended up being a yarny.
In other news (uhhh that wasn't news- oh yeah). David has to go back for another blood test (omg you freaking ghouls you took 4 vials the other day). This for gout in his foot (uhh gout doesn't get anywhere else does it? So it would be in the foot then right Kari? Don't state the obvious... omg I'm typing to myself!!!!!)
No word on the ct scan. Since he talked to his kids last night I can say they are trying to rule out the big C word. Although is highly unlikey that it would be that, anyone who has ever been near when a dr mentions that C word knows the stab of fear that is felt (except David :P ). It's the word that everyone fears.
We've all known someone who's life has been forever altered because of that one word. Possibly our own life.
And we all know (if not ourselves) someone who has had that scare.
I had that scare when I had my thyroid removed... had to wait a month to find out... omg that was horrible... a person with an anxiety disorder having to wait a month to find out if they had cancer... Hopefully it won't take that long for David to find out.
I digress... David's dr is a quack.... I mean lock, stock and barrell slap some web feet on the man cuz he is a freakin' quack!
Rude hateful and well... rude and hateful covers it.... He "didn't have time" (his words) to deal with anything else. Tells him he has degenrative arthritis gonna screen him for cancer and he don't have time for any other problems or to ever talk to him about the arthritis....
"Here you have this, take a pill"
Anyway, we wait. Once we get results we switch David's quac...errr dr.
You're prayers, thoughts and well wishes are greatly appreciated. You all ROCK!
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