
Warning Political Post Ahead! Bush photo at farmers' market causes row

Bush photo at farmers' market causes row
Councilman from Lancaster orders picture removed The Associated Press LANCASTER - A Democratic city councilman has demanded that a baker remove photos of President Bush from his stand in Lancaster's venerable farmers' market, saying the city needs a "healing period" following the bitterly contested presidential election. City Council member Nelson Polite approached David Stoltzfus last month and asked him to remove the pictures. When Stoltzfus refused, Polite vowed to pursue a city ordinance that would ban all political items from public places in the city. Polite said the photo offended city Democrats. "I just feel that since it was a close election and the city's so divided, that we should have a healing period," Polite told the New Era of Lancaster. After the New Era published a story about the flap earlier this month, conservative pundits from around the nation skewered Polite as being clueless about free speech. Republican Mayor Charlie Smithgall said would-be tourists have told him they will skip Lancaster -- an old city in the heart of Amish country -- because of Polite's statements. "They're saying, 'What kind of crazy people live in Lancaster? We're never coming to Lancaster,'" Smithgall said Friday. "This hurts the image of the city of Lancaster." In the earlier story, Stoltzfus said that the photo should come down because "this is a public market" and that the public display of political paraphernalia is inappropriate and divisive. "Bush didn't win here (in Lancaster City). It is like rubbing salt on a wound," he said.
Rest of Story I won't be traveling to Lancaster anytime soon. You know folks this just isn't right. Had kerry won I wouldn't begrudge anyone the right to hang his picture up in a booth at a farmer's market, I might not have shopped there but I darn sure wouldn't have thrown a fit and tried to make them take it down. To tell an American they cannot hang up a Picture of the President of the United States... I cannot even find the words to say just how wrong that is. What's next? Bumper Stickers? The American Flag in Public places? Isn't that offensive to some? Take away our pictures, our right to express ourself, our indivuality, and our showing of our patriotism and you have Russia before the fall of communism. HT to Underscore for the heads up on this one. You should go visit his blog.

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